Tuesday, October 03, 2006

No Soup for You!

While my health wasn't completely restored overnight, I did awake feeling tremendously better this morning. I had just spent the past 2 days with a fever which hung around 102 degrees while I spent 10 hours at work yesterday. I did manage to slip out briefly in the evening for a quick run to the dr and the medicine she prescribed started to help soon after taking it last night.

While I was still presented with a very sore throat and almost no voice today, my energy level was high, just in time to finish cleaning up the place for my friend's rapidly approaching visit. I even felt well enough to make myself some homemade chicken noodle soup since it became apparent that my mom was not coming to make it for me. Thanks mom. Sure, I still had the aforementioned ramen, but mysterious seafood flavored soup just doesn't hold the same appeal as chicken noodle comfort food. But alas, it was not meant to be. There would be no soup for me. While I thought I had everything on hand for my culinary concoction, I was dismayed to discover the chicken had gone bad. By that point, the heart had gone out of the endeavor and I had no desire to go to the store for more meat. However, I think tomorrow I shall delve into a new realm and attempt some lemongrass and clam soup. It can also be quite satisfying when sick.


mendacious said...

is this how you respond whenever anyone visits or is it sarah whose really making you ill- now be honest!

Anonymous said...

You have a fever? Well the only prescription is more COWbell!!