fare thee well, my april. you were long but short.
april is probably my favorite month and i'm always a bit sad to see it go. it tends to be a sort of complex feeling month - full of memories, nostalgia, and a few growing pains.
i love thinking it's an often over-looked and under appreciated month, perhaps i love it all the more for that reason. like that special spot in a book store, coffee shop, or park where i know i can find myself alone and be comforted in knowing i've found my own little hole in the world, that is april, my hide-out, my secret space.
april's the month that feels like it takes forever to roll around and then once it arrives, flies by. however, as i look back over the past month, i marvel at just how much got crammed in and rejoice that i didn't spend the month as a recluse. so, in memory of my favoritist of months, here's my send off salute - favorite memories of the month:
early month camping trip:
moi: ugh, what is that smell?!
beck: it's the dogs! they've been rolling in something . . . and i think it was dead!
("dead things mikey, dead things!")
and so progressed that weekend, trying to keep 3 dogs from rolling in dead things and subsequently bringing the foul stench into the cabin.
a new favorite desert is born:in lieu of cake for my b-day, i made chocolate pot de creme.
upon first bite, a friend, in a startlingly loud voice declared, "holy crap!" followed by a slightly quieter "that's chocolate!" which left the rest of us at first instant shocked, but soon after tearing in laughter.
mid-month marathon:the middle of the month was marked by a weekend marathon of the lord of the rings trilogy viewing. to commemorate the occasion and reward our dedication and efforts, we splurged on some imported goodies such as combos, sun chips, and dr. pepper. also making an appearance that weekend was some chocolate pot de creme, or as it's been affectionately dubbed around here, "holy crap."
as you like it!april brings the return of what has become an annual tradition - attending the spring musical of an area university, performed in english. in previous years we've seen such shows as 3 penny opera, into the woods, and godspell. while i've enjoyed them all, this year's show, as you like it, was perhaps my favorite. as an added bonus, the university showcasing the musical is along the sea. ah, sea and stars.
i've got game:late in the month i enjoyed hanging out and playing a few new board games with friends. while i occasionally enjoy playing games, i rarely win. however, for one night, i had game. i not only won at everything we played, i creamed the competition, or so i like to remember the evening.
sa-yo-na-ra:sadly this month meant saying goodbye to a co-worker and his wife, both of whom i've become friends with over the past year, as they prepare to leave the island and move home to canada.
finally, the month concluded with a send-off party for my friend joining the crew of the Doulos for the next 2 months. the weekend long out-of-town event resulted in being assaulted by a belly dancer (all in good humor) and learning some new mock-swearing lingo from an american kid - holy zit!
thus concludes the month. see you next year, april!