Sunday, October 14, 2007

Thanks a Brunch

This afternoon, a friend and I swung by Brunch, a chain cafe, for some post lunch coffee. They packaged our 2 cups-to-go, which we could have carried in hand, in an oversized bag. However, upon closer examination, the poetry on the bag made the indulgence in resources totally worth it:
Coffee brings me temporary self-inuigeene

and makes me feel at ease
I want to run away from my life!
I want to travel, and serch listiessiy!
I walk and walk . . .
And find myself returning
to the starting point.
I whisper to myself;
Have another cup of coffee!

Ahh, I am so deeply stirred beyond expression except for to exclaim, I think I'll have another cup of coffee!


Anonymous said...

Nice Engrish.

DJ said...

Hey, you weren't kidding, you really DID post a lot.

I wish I did like coffee, b/c I like the smell.

Incidentally, while I've spent most of my movie time the past few weeks further immersed in the works of Akira Kurisawa and re-watching old Carey Grant movies, I've also tried catching up on some "classics" that I've missed. I watched "Schindler's List" for the first time a few weeks back - amazing. As for recommendations, how much exposure have you had to Hitchcock?

Kara said...

Hitchcock exposure - none. Can you believe it? However, just this week I was thinking of downloading some episodes from Season 1 of Alfred Hitchcock Presents.

DJ said...

The show is pretty good. As for his movies, "Psycho" is probably the most famous, but IMO, not his best (but I think it's still a must-see). My recommendations would include: Rope (my favorite); Dial "M" for Murder (my 2nd favorite); The Birds; Strangers On A Train; Lifeboat; North By Northwest; and Rear Window. There are a couple others I feel I could recommend (The Man Who Knew Too Much; Notorious; The Trouble With Harry) but I haven't seen those in awhile and I don't remember them well enough to give a definite recommendation.

Anonymous said...

don't watch BIRDS, especially now when they group together at this time of year . It will haunt you for a long time.
As kids growing up we always watched that show,{for me that was a long time ago}. Is it his show were their is a wax museum episode? ohhhhhhhhh, These could be good HALLOWEEN MOVIES!!!