Saturday, November 03, 2007

C is for . . .

change. inevitable, ever present, unavoidable change. sometimes there's cause for embrace. and other times, cause to draw the blinds, curl up beneath the covers of a comfy bed, and drown out the world with movies or music.
change is coming. i can feel it in the air.
i can see it - at work, at home, along the streets, within me.
for now, i'm setting my face to the wind and waiting to see what happens.


Anonymous said...

Maybe it's setting your face to the wind that's making it all grainy like the last picture. Gotta take care of those pores, yo.

mendacious said...

OMG blog more already.

Anonymous said...

Kara, do you think maybe "C" is for "Cut off from society"? We never hear from you anymore!