Friday, August 18, 2006

It's the Grand Cha-hee-hee's birthday!

Wow, I can hardly believe my baby bro is 20 years old today!
I can still remember the day you were born - the day it was confirmed that I indeed had another brother and not a sister as I specifically requested. Oh, those crazy storks. Well, I learned to love you anyway. Happy Birthday Bro!


Anonymous said...

Don't forget the part about how you dressed him up in dolls' clothes from actual dolls you had. Heehee.

Kara said...

I so totally was going to work that in there with something like, "but don't worry, I made up for it by dressing you in doll clothes" but had a feeling that my parents, who occasionally read this, would not like me mentioning that part too well, especially since I think I only recently told them I used to do that - ha!