Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Today I . . .

started my day an hour earlier than intended compliments of the 8:00 a.m. construction work overhead

got sunburned on one arm while taking an afternoon joyride to the DMV with a friend - you know you've been driving a scooter too long when you give up a free afternoon to ride around in a car

consumed a pot of coffee and a pot of tea - my way of coping with the day after 4 hours of sleep

broke glass with a hammer- on purpose

rid my outdoor trashcan of a nation of maggots- totally gross

ate in reverse with noodle soup for breakfast and chocolate chip pancakes for dinner - perhaps adulthood has a few perks after all

finally made a blog entry!!!


~sarah said...

i can't believe you're already wondering what to do for moon festival weekend. you know what that means? it means it's been a year since i visited you. a year! time sure flies... i think this is a sign that you need to come visit ME for moon festival. : )

Kara said...
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Kara said...

i know, i was just thinking about that too. it's hard to believe that nearly a year has gone by since you came to visit!

Anonymous said...

Were you breaking windows in your apartment on purpose? Does that mean you intentionally exploded the floor tiles several years ago, as well as instigate the gas bomb several floors below?

Web of lies!