Saturday, December 30, 2006

thoughts I should not have to entertain on a Saturday morning

sometimes not all the world shares your joy
sometimes happiness should be kept to yourself
sometimes you should not hire a brass emsemble to play fanfare at 8am to alert the neighborhood you're getting married today
sometimes you should request Here Comes the Bride not be followed by Jingle Bells
sometimes the fanfare should not be followed by 8:30am firecrackers that once again set off the car alarm that had been blaring from midnight until 4am
sometimes others would like to sleep
sometimes i consider not living in a city
sometimes is a day like today

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Brass ensemble: maybe they should've put plungers into the bell of their horns to mute the volume a little. Most people don't know this, but those brass intrument horns -- you can put your weed in there.