Wednesday, December 27, 2006

While You Were Sleeping

I had a great Christmas this year, quite possibly my favorite out of ones spent in Taiwan. Christmas Eve several friends joined me at my place for movie watching and goodie consumption. Everyone stayed the night and we had brunch and gift opening in the morning. We were all up very late but my bedtime looked something like 7am Christmas Day as I was up after everyone else to wrap gifts. It was okay though - I got to take in a Christmas movie while wrapping near the warm glow of the Christmas tree.

I was anticipating a bit more than 2 hours of sleep before the Christmas morning activities got underway, but that's about all the more I was allowed, as one guest, whom I shall name E, snuck into my room and began to blast Christmas music on my computer somewhere around 9am. Becky, who was camping out in my room, promptly turned down the blast, but not long after the volume found its way up again.

I was up and off to the kitchen to get brunch rolling. Rick got his mom's recipe for homemade cinnamon rolls and I was assisting with the experiment. Despite getting the dough made the night before, the rolls weren't actually ready to eat until somewhere around 2 or 3pm, but still yummy and we had fun making them. While in the kitchen, E declares "I got a new Christmas cd!" referring to the one still being played in my room. Yes, we can all hear, thanks. Hmm, I hope it's not the same as the one I got her for Christmas. Afterwards I walked into the living room and discovered the open wrap from one of my gifts to E. No, it wasn't the same as the cd I planned to give her - it was the cd I was giving her!

Me: "You opened your gift?! Without us?"
E: "Yes! I've been awake since about 6:30am. I can't wait all day for you guys to wake up!"
Me: "But I just went to bed then. You robbed me the joy of getting to see you open your gift. Just wait and see if you get anything from me next year. I want my Christmas back!"

This was all in playful fun, I assure you. However, I'd soon discover that opening gifts was not the only thing she did while we were sleeping. She also snuck in my room and took a picture! Ahh! Man, I need to be more selective in choosing my friends from now on. After a visit to her place 2 weeks ago and the ever so flattering pictures of friends and I that surfaced afterwards, I should have known better than to sleep with my door unlocked! Silly me. Must have been a sleep deprived lapse in judgement. The photos have not yet appeared on her flickr account, but I'm assured they will. Nice.


Anonymous said...

For the record, the music did not start out BLASTING. It was on a very low volume, and gradually became louder, as was the intent all along.

"Snuck" isn't a word, it's "sneaked".

As for the present: "It doesn't take much for Kara to feel like it's not Christmas. Here we all are, dancing the fine line to maintain the balance for her, and you go and ruin everything! Way to go, jerk!"

Kara said...

snuck, snuck, snuck - it is to a word - check it out. and i'm not that fragile!