Saturday, December 16, 2006

the weekend to do:

weekend lessons: taught

winter clothes: unpacked and put to use - winter coat now essential for scooter driving - hat, gloves, scarf, and well - a car, wouldn't hurt either

dinner out
: old favorite, new location. old roommate, new conversation. good times ensued.

: a few given, a few purchased, a few sorted, and a few planned

finish holiday shopping
: why do today what I can put off until tomorrow? - not necessarily words to live by

: now mistaken for living room floor tiles - must write and send

set up new printer
: still packed ever so nice and neatly in unopened box since wednesday

home improvement tasks
: weather stripping - bought awaiting installation; marry someone tall who likes to change light bulbs and in the meantime bring in ladder

water plants
: does today's rain count? another reminder as to why I should not get a pet

make dish for Christmas potluck
: sweet potatoes a roastin'

obsess over some new tunes
: underway

: tree box moved from cabinet to floor. baby steps.

clean house
: looking more and more like a task for next week

clean room!!!
: can a mess a year in the making be done away with in one weekend?

bake cookies
: supplies replenished awaiting time/motivation

buy something festive for the season
: poinsettia acquired



Anonymous said...

Buy an old roommate an ancient Egyptian sarcophagus bookshelf: Yeah right.

Kara said...

you know me too well.