Wednesday, June 14, 2006

throw another squid on the barbie

About 2 weeks ago I decided to gather a few co-workers and friends for a BBQ at my place. Perhaps it was Taiwan finally wearing me down, but I had a hankering for grilled squid as I perused the meat dept. at my local supermarket. I knew most of my guests enjoy this tentacular treat so I picked up a few.

Then came the realization that I'd have to clean them. Now I've cooked squid before, but it was part of a Thai cooking class and I think they were already gutted and cleaned, we just had to skin and slice them. Anyone who's been fishing with me knows, I love to fish but I have two rules: I don't touch the bait and I don't touch the fish. I'll gladly catch 'em if I can, but handling slimy or crawly things is not really for me. So there I found myself facing a cutting board of fresh squid and no one to pass the dirty work along to.

Well, after some quick online research and a few deep breaths, I handled those squid like a pro, or so I'd like to think. Actually, I got the hang of it right away and didn't break a single ink sack. I also didn't vomit or faint, always a plus. After getting past the first one, I really didn't mind cleaning them. I'm also pleased to say that the post-grilled squid turned out quite well too. Most of it never found its way to the table as people quickly snatched it from the grill or from the plate as it was passed from the balcony, through the living room on the way to the kitchen. I was lucky to even get a piece to try. Mmm, squid. ; )


Anonymous said...

Are you going to write a book titled "Cleaning Out Squids Without Breaking Even a Single Ink Sac: This Sort of Thing Is My Bag, Baby"?


~sarah said...

(shaking my head...) who are you? i don't even know you anymore! ink sacs...eww.


way to conquer your fears!